If you're in the market for a new job and you just started applying, you may have a question that nags many others like you - 'how long will I have to apply before I get that call? How many applications later will I be hired?'. Unfortunately, there's no one answer that would be true for everyone.
It depends on your location, skills, experience, resume quality, and more. To help you find the right answer for your unique situation, we've prepared this blog post. Read on to find out how many job applications away you are from a job and how you can shorten that tally.
Determining how many

The number of applications you send off is one key factor in getting a job. Depending on what position you are applying for and whether it’s online or face-to-face, people vary in how many feel appropriate.
Some experts say that as few as two applications are enough, while others suggest ten or even more.
However, we can rule out a total of three applications as too little unless you are making an absolute beginner’s application.
If you are just starting your career or if this is your first job after graduating, then stick with at least five applications per position. If you have already worked before, eight is a recommended limit.
But remember, not every employer will look at past work experiences when reviewing applicants so don’t sell yourself short by not including these jobs in your list of jobs to apply to.
There are many different ways to apply to jobs

The number of applications you send out depends on what type of job you are looking for and how much time your career wants to give you.
For example, if you are seeking an administrative position then only submitting one application is appropriate. You want to make sure you leave enough time to focus on interviewing and receiving a response from employers.
If you are searching for more professional positions, such as that of a doctor or lawyer, you can probably submit around half a dozen applications.
You should try a variety of methods

Even if you’ve got a solid job search strategy, that can sometimes feel like an overwhelming process. There are so many things you could be doing to look for work, from posting online ads to attending every career event in town.
It feels like there is always something new you should be trying, but very few people actually do it.
That’s why most employees are only looking for one way to find their next position – unless they are currently in employment. In which case, two or three ways usually suffice!
But what if you're not finding your ideal job using those strategies? What if this approach has run its course and failed to produce any results?
Then it's time to try another tactic.
There will almost certainly be more jobs out there somewhere, you just have to know where to look.
Some employers love to get emails

As we know, applying for jobs is a pretty tedious process that can feel like an uphill battle at times. Rather than dropping your application and starting over, most employers allow you to enter your personal information as a “job seeker” or “applicant” in their employment database. This way you do not have to re-enter all of your details.
Most employers offer very basic applications this way, with only your name, email address, and phone number being asked. With these apps becoming more common, it has made creating job applications much easier.
Many people use this service to gain access to valuable employment opportunities so why should you not take advantage of it? If you are looking to change positions or find new career opportunities you will need to update your employee profile settings to make this helpful.
Some employers use Google Meet or a phone call

While sending out lots of applications is a good way to get jobs, it can also make you feel overwhelmed. Having multiple sources for job interviews makes sense because most employers will not want to meet you in person twice before offering employment.
In fact, according to a report by The Muse, more than half (50 percent) of all employed professionals never get interviewed by their next employer outside of a workplace setting.
That means that if you are still searching for your perfect match after having sent out several applications, you may need to switch strategies.
On the occasion you do get called though, some employers use Google Meet or Hangout or a phone call instead of an in-person meeting to assess you.
Some employers like to meet in person

Employers these days are very busy. They work hard during business hours, and they expect people to do the same. This can be difficult for those that are unemployed as there is no availability of their time. To find employment, you will have to apply directly through online applications or in-person interviews.
Many job seekers start applying too quickly by going through all of the available resources. However, this may not be the best approach if you want to land your dream position. There could already be someone else who’s looking just as hard for a position as you are, which would prevent you from getting hired first.
It’s important to make sure that you don’t overdo it when it comes to seeking jobs. Don’t bombard potential employers with so many applications that they end up ignoring you. If you feel that you’ve made enough attempts, then hold off until the next day. That way you give yourself some time to relax and refresh before continuing.
Some positions ask for more than one interview, so don’t worry about being turned down! Most companies want to get to know you and see what kind of person you are before deciding whether or not to offer you a position.
Some employers want to see your resume

Even after you send all of your employment applications, some employers still want to look at your resume. This is called job screening or pre-interview preparation.
Some employers ask for permission to contact you as an interviewer before the interview. This is usually done via email or phone call, but it can also include going through your LinkedIn profile or asking if you have any references that can be contacted.
Employers may do this because they want to make sure whoever they hire will work well with their team, has past success in similar positions, and that people like you feel enough confidence in them to refer you. These are all things that show up on your resume!
This doesn’t mean that once you apply someone isn’t going to check out your resume, but being asked to prepare for interviews takes away some of the pressure to make yourself look good.
And some employers want to see your LinkedIn profile

As mentioned before, most companies these days will do their initial screening of applicants via online applications or even phone interviews. They will look at your LinkedIn profile if you have one, and some may ask for a work sample or take an interview just from that.
In fact, many employers now require both during the application process as part of the routine testing protocol. This is true not only for entry-level positions but also for position openings up the ladder!
And while it’s great to have professional proof of yourself through social media sites like LinkedIn, creating a solid profile takes some time and effort. Taking some time upfront can really help you get those job opportunities.
By being prepared, you show that you have done your research about the organization and are putting in the effort to connect with them, you send a message that you are interested in working for them, and you are practicing business etiquette by using appropriate services.
These days, people are sharing far more information than ever before, which makes having no LinkedIn profile or one full of fake info easy to identify. Make sure yours does not contain anything too personal or unusual.