Experience Section - How to create content

4 simple steps in ResumePuppy.com to create compelling, targeted content that narrates your experience.

Step 1 - Determine your target roles

Often times, there's more we can apply to given our skillset than we think we can.

Here's how you determine all the titles and roles that you actually want to apply to. 

  • Note down all the roles that you have worked in in the past ✏️
  • Map out what other roles you have the skillsets for, and note down those titles. 🔛
    You can discover these by typing the skills on LinkedIn search and seeing what roles it returns.
    Example search: "HTML", "CAD", "Matlab", etc.

For example, a mechanical engineer might be also eligible for Mechanical Design Engineer, Design Analysis Engineer etc. Similarly, a CS major might be able to apply for Full Stack Engineer, Software Engineer etc.

Step 2 - Reverse-Engineering the Postings

This is a very interesting step 😀 

  • Go on any job search site and find at least 20 elaborate job descriptions each for those positions that you have noted. 🔍
  • Choose them such that 10 of those come from companies that are well known, and 10 of those from lesser known ones, small businesses or startups. ✅
  • Copy paste them in a Google Doc.
    Note: You can help ResumePuppy by sharing your google doc with support@resumepuppy.com. We can use your collection to develop advanced tools that will help thousands of job seekers in the future. 🚀
  • Highlight all repeating patterns of required skillsets and responsibilities (however many it may be) ✊

Step 3 - Connection & Story Telling

This is a step where you need to bring out your utmost creative self 😊

Very often, we underestimate ourselves and the work that we've done. We should bring out ALL work relevant to role (however big or small) you did, and feel free to strategically "brag" about your work and impact on the resume. 😈

Try to force-relate every bullet in your job description collection, to every little thing that you came across or did in your academic 🎓 or professional 👔 life. 

Make a note of those and the specific association with that. The idea here is to come up with a story or narrative from your life (however small it may be) to apply to each of those bullets. It can be any of the following:

  • A project that you worked on or a part of it at work or school ✅
  • A project that was related to your work in that it flowed into your work, or your work flowed into it and you can learn about it ✅
  • A project that a friend did or you helped a friend do and you know it very well ✅
  • A project that you can take up and complete in the next 1-2 weeks ✅
  • Something that your friend knows or works on and can teach you well before the interview for you to have all those skills ✅

Repeat this for each of the roles that you noted down in Step 1.

Step 4 - Creating Bullet Points

First, decide the positions that you want to include in your experience. ✅

Next, use all the connections that you developed in Step 3 to narrate a story 💬 in the resume in a very technical manner and connectable manner using the keywords that you highlighted. 

Be sure to always think STAR (Situation Task Action Result) when you make the bullets.❗

A basic rule to keep in mind is each bullet point should answer at least 2 of the following 3 questions, AND every job experience should answer all of the following 3 in total:

  1. Does it tell what I did? 😈
  2. Does it tell what tools I used? 🔧
  3. Does it tell the impact? 📈

The most accepted structure of good bullet points is

Action verb (what you did), using what (or on what), and what happened (quantitative metric) 

Here's some good action verbs, quantitative impact metrics and sample bullet point examples for your inspiration. Feel free to use them and modify as needed.