Finding a great resume writing service is like finding the right pair of shoes- you want to make sure they are high quality, cost effective and professional looking. Luckily, there are many options these days!
With so many companies offering various levels of resume services, it can be tricky deciding which one is best for you or even what services you need. In this article, we will talk about some important things to look for when choosing a resume service. We will also tell you more about why it is important to use only professional level services when creating your own career documents.
Top resume writing services

There are many ways to get quality resumes written for you. Some of these writing service providers have you upload your documents or give them templates that they edit to make it yours.
Other companies will take control of the content and style of your document completely, making it their own. The best way to determine which company is the right fit for you is by looking at past work and reviews.
Pay to get your resume written by a professional writer
Even though some companies have you pay for their services, this is not the case with most quality career service providers. Most will offer free initial consultations where they take time to evaluate your skills and career goals and then write an appropriate resume tailored just for you.
They may also do some basic research into employment opportunities that are relevant to your goal position(s). This gives you an edge over other candidates who may or may not use these services.
Quality service depends

The quality of the service resume writers provide depends on how well they are trained for your specific career field.
Company size can also have an impact on quality of service.
For example, large companies may have formal hiring processes that include senior level professionals who handle most of the writing for you. They may also use other services to ensure everything is consistent across all departments.
On the other hand, smaller companies or individuals may not have as many resources, which could mean lower quality proofreading and editing. This is especially true if the person doing the proofreading and editing does not have much experience either.
Quality varies slightly between professional resume writers because they are hired professionally to put in extra time to make sure things look good. Some may be more efficient at putting together great resumes than others, but none should contain errors that will hurt your image.
Some job seekers are not so great at highlighting experience

As mentioned before, most people when writing a resume aim to emphasize their skills and qualifications. But what if you don’t have many of those?
Some job seekers feel that they can leave out details such as work experiences because they believe that things will be picked up during interviews or through online searches.
This isn’t necessarily a good idea though. By leaving off parts of your résumé, you could lose out on opportunities to find employment. You also run the risk of being labeled as someone who doesn’t care about his or her career.
It is important to make sure that everything on your résumé is consistent and clearly written so that no one gets confused. Plus, it looks bad when an employer has to go back and add notes because crucial information was left out.
There are some services that offer free résumé reviews which can help identify missing pieces of your document.
Some companies may try and scam you

Many professional resume writers offer their services to help you create your best possible career profile. However, not all writing service providers are created equal!
Some of these “writing services” are actually just individuals with pretty covers who have an expensive price tag attached to their name. In fact, some even add additional fees for things such as LinkedIn profiles or phone calls to discuss your job search.
This is definitely not ideal if you want personal attention during this crucial time in your career!
It is important to be able to identify a reputable company that can meet your needs to ensure success.
You must read reviews about any potential company

It is very important to do your research before investing in their services. There are many ways to check the quality of a career service provider, including through testimonials, past clients, and interviews.
By reading other people’s reviews and talking to former employees, you will get an accurate picture of what the company can be like and whether it is worth spending money on its products and services.
It’s also a good idea to compare various resume writing companies side-by-side to see how they stack up. For example, you could find out which ones have higher quality content, use more professional formatting tools, and spend the right amount of time editing and proofreading their work.
There is some talent involved

As mentioned before, professional resume writers have gone through extensive training to be able to write great resumes. Therefore, even if you hire someone who does not have much experience, your document will still look very authentic and polished.
Some of the things that most experienced resume writers are trained in include financial statements, employment history, skills and competencies, career goals, and so on. They also have software designed to help them organize and design their documents naturally, which helps make it more efficient for them when writing resumes.
These software can then be tweaked and customized by the writer to fit your needs! This ensures that everything looks consistent and stays organized well. It also gives the writer time to focus just on writing your message rather than having to work with the template.
Hiring someone can be costly

After paying for your potential employer’s screening process (which includes having them look at your resume, speaking with representatives from their company, and attending an interview), they will most likely want to pay you! Most of these services charge around $100-150 per page - which is expensive if you are being paid very little or nothing at all.
Some companies may offer discounts to people in the community, so do not hesitate to ask about those! Many employers order online job applications via sites like, Monster, CareerBuilder, and others, making it easy to get professional help without too much expense.