As mentioned earlier, an interview is a chance for you to sell yourself and your skills. It is also your time to ask questions and find out if the job is what you want and if the workplace is what you are looking for.
One important question to ask is whether or not the position is salary-based or salary-dependent. The latter means that the position comes with a certain level of compensation, but whether or not you receive bonuses or raises depends on how well you perform the job.
Many companies use this system because it gives them more flexibility in hiring and firing employees. If someone is not performing well on the job, they do not have to pay them more money because they are already receiving the minimum level of compensation provided by the job.
Obviously, this can be a problem if someone is performing well but never receives any raises or bonuses due to the system in place. People can still be paid less than what they are worth based on this system.

You should never discuss salary during an interview. The best time to talk about salary is before the interview stage.
Interviewing is a two-way street. While the interview may be about whether or not the employer wants to hire you, you’re also determining if you want to work for them.
A strong negotiation can only be made if you have all the information you need, and one of those pieces of information is what they pay people in your role.
By discussing salary before the interview, you are allowing both parties to make an informed decision about whether they want to work with each other. You can negotiate the highest paying job that you are willing to take, and they can decide if it’s worth your time and effort based on that information.
It is illegal for an employer to discriminate against you based on your gender or race, but it is difficult to prove this was the case. By discussing salary prior to the interview, you are preventing any potential discrimination later on.
Only if offered

As mentioned before, many companies have a set amount they want to pay for the position and will not go above that. If you mention a higher number, they will assume you are not worth the effort to lower your salary.
It is also unprofessional to ask someone how much they make. By asking your interviewer how much they offer the average salary, you are putting them in an uncomfortable position.
By keeping the conversation focused on the job itself and your skills, you give the interviewer enough information to make a decision.
Asking about benefits and compensation may be more appropriate questions to ask at the end of the interview when there is no pressure to answer quickly. Then, you can discuss what is important to you and see if that fits with what the company offers.
Only if prompted

Although it may feel awkward to avoid the topic of salary, it is most likely best to let the interviewer bring it up. If you are asked what you’re currently making, then it is appropriate to tell them what you’re worth!
If a company offers you a job and wants to negotiate your salary, then it’s appropriate to talk about salary. In most cases, however, the company has a set budget for your position and they either meet that or go over budget to get the right person for the job.
If they ask you questions that make it clear what they’re willing to pay and you decide you don’t want the job because of the pay, then that’s OK. But if you really want the job, then maybe wait until you have it before talking about money. It may be best to play hardball on the salary issue after you have established yourself in the position.
It could hurt you

As mentioned before, an interview is your chance to sell yourself and your skills. You are laying out all the reasons you would be a great addition to the team and the company.
If you ask for too much, then the employer will think that you are not worth what they are offering, and that you are asking for too much. This could result in no offer for the position!
If you ask for too little, then again, they will not offer you the position. Although it may seem like they would be saving money by hiring you at a lower wage, they may decide to pass on you because you are not worth the money they would have to pay you.
Again, an interview is your opportunity to show your worth. If you reveal your salary information before doing that, then it could end up hurting you.
It could help you

As mentioned before, most people who are looking for a new job also are in the market for a salary increase. With that in mind, you could argue that discussing salary is more important to the other person than it is to you.
If the job is well within your price range, then by not talking salary you are leaving money on the table for both parties. For the employer, they would have to pay someone else more which may be in their budget, or have to give you a raise in months or years down the road which would cost them even more.
It is common for employers to put out a low initial salary offer so they can recruit someone they really want and then give them a raise later when they agree to work for them. If you do not bring up the possibility of a raise later, then you lose out on that potential money.
Obviously, this only works if you are reasonably confident in your skills and your ability to contribute value to an organization.
Answer the question correctly
Although it can be difficult to answer this question, it is crucial that you answer it correctly. If you undervalue yourself, you could lose out on a great job opportunity.
If you overvalue yourself, the employer may think that you’re not worth hiring due to the high salary they heard you ask for. Neither of these are desirable outcomes!
Some people may say that it’s best to avoid talking about salary altogether until an offer has been made, but we don’t agree with this tactic. It can be difficult to determine what an appropriate salary is for any given job, however.
The average salary for a given position can be easily obtained via online research, but what matters is whether or not you are earning the average salary for a specific position at a specific company. This is where the truth comes into play.
Prepare beforehand
Now, let’s talk about the best time to bring up salary. The best time to bring up salary is before you receive an offer.
Yes, before you receive an offer! There are a few reasons why this is the best time to talk about salary.
First, it gives the employer no reason to talk about compensation except for to increase it. If you bring up salary at the interview, there is no chance they are going to lower the price.
Second, it gives you leverage if they offer you the job. If there is something specific you want in compensation, then you can feel confident asking for it- because you brought it up before they could!
The worst time to talk about salary is after receiving an offer. If you are accepting the job, and the employer offers you what they can afford then you may end up leaving money on the table.
You should bring it up
As mentioned before, the number one reason people state for why they don’t ask for more is because they’re afraid it will come off as greedy or arrogant.
But not asking can cost you – not only in this case, but in future cases when you do earn more. Negotiating is a skill that takes practice, and like all skills, you get better with repeated attempts.
You will never know what you could have earned if you don’t ask, and chances are, you deserve more than what you are offering yourself.
Not only is negotiating your salary a crucial step in determining your future earnings, but it’s also a way to gauge how invested an organization is in you.