A short, one or two-page resume is usually enough unless you’re applying for a position that demands a longer cover letter or requires no interview.
Keep reading to learn why shorter resumes are increasingly common, how to make yours standout, and some easy ways to craft one. Then get started today by taking a few minutes to brainstorm ideas for different types of content that could lead into your ideal career.
A short resume could be better, but...

Creating a short, focused resume is much better than trying to be all-inclusive with too many experiences that may or may not matter to someone else.
You should emphasize the things that are important to you and what employers look for in professionals in your field.
These qualities can include professionalism, teamwork, leadership, communication, etc. If your skills relate to something beyond these, then add those!
But don’t make it about you! More importantly, do not use vague terms such as ‘team player’ or ‘organized’. These are very general descriptors and mean different things to every person.
Instead, describe an example of a time when you worked with people and how you responded to their requests and challenges. Or talk about an instance where you led a team through a process or project.
This way your potential employer can get more specific information if they are looking to recruit such a professional.
It's easier to review

A short, succinct resume is much more likely to be read than one that is very long. This can be due to time constraints or other reasons.
Your potential employer will look at a shorter version of your resume quickly so they can get onto the next candidate’s paper.
Therefore, make sure your CV is easy to scan and doesn’t contain too many extra features such as pictures that take up valuable space.
Avoid using large fonts as this may put off readers who like a normal size font for ease of use. Use standard fonts like Arial or Verdana instead. If you feel that your personal style is important to showcase then include it in the second half of your CV.
Formatting and layering styles correctly are essential as well. For example, use bold heading tags (h1-h5) to draw attention to components of your document. Always try to keep it simple.
Helps you stand out

A shorter, simpler resume is usually better than a longer one because employers tend to prioritize speed over length when looking for jobs. If your career is in need of an update, consider whether or not you should make changes to your current resume!
Most people start out with a long, elaborate resume that features impressive accomplishments and positions they added to their resume over time. But more and more professionals will now opt for a shorter, more streamlined version instead.
By omitting unwanted information and keeping it simple, you will give yourself a professional edge over others who may have made their job search much harder by creating a confusing, lengthy document.
It’s also important to remember that even if your old resume is already perfect, you should still make revisions to ensure it makes a strong impression on potential employers.
In case you need a longer one

Having a short, professional looking resume is very possible! Most employers will not take more than two minutes to review your resume, so do not make it longer than that!
Most people start with their full length career biography and then “tailor” it by omitting or including things depending on what position they are applying for. But there is an easier way to create a great looking, short resume!
You can simply combine all of your other documents (such as cover letters) into one document and refer to them as the “semi-narrative" or “bullet point" style summary.
Be consistent

Even if you have a short, succinct resume, be consistent in your approach to it. Use color schemes, font styles, and bullet point formats that match what you are being asked for.
Most employers will spend several minutes looking through resumes, so make it easy for them! Make sure your bullet points relate to each other and lead with a strong statement or question.
It is also important to remember that although having a shorter resume is better, not every company feels the same way. What works for one may not work for another. Try different versions of yours and see which ones get you the most interviews.
Before you decide

As we mentioned before, creating a short resume is totally fine as long as you make it clear that your career is dependent on what they find in this very brief document. If you are trying to get work through referrals or by contacting potential employers directly, then having a longer more elaborate resume may be better.
However if you are not actively looking for employment at the time of writing your resume, then a shorter version will do just fine!
Most professionals these days have shortened their own resumes due to being overqualified for most positions. By matching up the job requirements with some of your experiences, you can create a short but powerful resume.
If you feel that your experience is not enough to match the position, then add those qualifications into your current resume and update it. This way you will always have a fully functioning resume even if it is short.