Ok, let's get serious! You are in immediate need of writing a resume but you have zero experience in the role you're applying to because you are a fresher, and unfortunately, you weren't able to land any internships during college.
Let us help you with this sticky situation...
In a resume, your Experience section is broadly classified into 2 categories:
1. Your current experience (What you are doing right now, full-time)
2. Your past experience (What were you doing in the past, full-time)
1. Your Current Experience:
Although you're probably a full-time jobseeker at the moment, you must gain experience in your desired career field in parallel while looking for a new opportunity.
Some examples are:
Get in touch with your professor or university to give back to campus by helping your juniors who are still in school, help them with their projects, assist your professor in their Ph.D. program, and if you happen to be an expert in a particular niche, see if you can work with your university to teach the future graduates.
The idea here is to look for an opportunity to get engaged with your university campus and see if they love your work. Who knows? They may even be willing to offer you a full-time position.
Kickstart something new or offer help to the existing entities by pure persuasion. You are living in the internet world and if you think about it, 100 to 200 years ago the basic needs of humankind were food, clothing, and shelter. In 2022, it's food, clothing, shelter, and high-speed WiFi without interruption.
As long as you have the internet, you can start anything new from where you are sitting at the moment reading this blog. If you think starting something entirely new like a tech startup is not your thing, we would highly encourage you to extend your hands and offer help to existing startups in exchange for experience, connections, and referrals.
Learn new things, and sometimes it may count as an experience because learning new things simply doesn't mean sitting with books and watching your bedroom walls.
New things could be more hands-on, such as building your GitHub profile by fixing open source issues, improving your personal brand through social media, and enrolling in a program for improving your skills. You must choose to be a lifelong learner, and that is going to take you a long way!
2. Your Past Experience
If we think with a logical mind, we will realize your past experience is you being a student for the past 2,3, or 4 years full-time but does that really help your resume stand out from the rest of the students who graduated with you throughout the country? What makes you special, when you are just another graduate?
We will help you figure that out in the assumption that you have decided what you want to do for the rest of your life as a professional.
You will see a list of questions below to reflect on because the past is past - nobody can change it but you can surely reflect on a few things you may have done to elaborate on your resume.
1. Have you done community services for school, college, university, or neighborhood?
2. Did you win any awards or prizes representing your university or the student body or yourself while being a full-time student?
3. Were you a part of a project that wasn't necessarily a part of your curriculum but you worked on it anyway?
4. Did you ever secure grants or funding for your projects at school where you build something with a team?
5. Have you presented ideas in the form of paper presentations on/off campus to get exposure and improve your presenting skills?
Take your time to reflect on the above questions, and while doing so see if you have experience outside of these questions as well.
Once you have done reflecting on them, take notes and then use our ResumePuppy's FREE resume builder to draft a fair version of your resume.
We have a clean format that will help you focus on the content of your resume, and when it comes to writing the Experience section without the thought of having no experience is a little tricky, so make sure to take your time, and think through the above before submitting the best version of your resume for your dream job.
All The Best!